
What is Conveyance?

A Brief Summary

Since the advent of the assembly line, conveyor systems have been mainstays of factories and warehouses alike for transporting materials along the production path or storage facilities. Conveyance systems can be very basic, such as rolling pin-style conveyor belts, which rely on momentum built up from slopes to transport materials.

However, conveyance systems can also be entirely mechanized and automated for the transportation of heavier materials and for interaction with automated production lines. There are several of these types of conveyor systems available for a considerable range of applications.


Types of Automated Conveyor Systems

Types of Automated Conveyor Systems
Numerous conveyor systems can are employed in standard applications. Common automated conveyor systems are listed and described below:

Belt Conveyor
Consisting of a looped belt of metal or rubber linked sections, belt conveyors are some of the most common type of conveyor systems. They are found in applications such as airport luggage carousels.

Screw Conveyor
Screw Conveyor Flighting
Screw Conveyor Flighting, courtesy of Reinke & Schomann.

A screw conveyor is a large screw that transports materials by turning. As the screw turns, material follows the direction of revolution to the area of transportation. A very early type of screw conveyor was the Archimedes screw, which was used to transport water for agricultural needs.

Chain Conveyor
Often used in the auto industry, a chain conveyor consists of a large chain fashioned in a loop around two pulley wheels. As the wheels turn, the chain advances. Most chain conveyors have hooks on the chain links so that large, cumbersome items may be carried and transferred to the next conveyor.

Vibrating Conveyor
Designed for conveying volatile items or materials with runoff, vibrating conveyors are tilted at a 45 degree angle. This tilt allows the conveyor to sort materials while they’re being transported.

Pneumatic Conveyor
A pneumatic conveyor uses compressed air or vacuum tubes to push items through a system of tubes or pipes. Pneumatic tubes were used to send messages in offices before the advent of email.

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