Weighing Systems

What is a weighing system?

A Brief Summary

A weighing system utilizes scales & other measurement devices to help perform an operation. Weighing systems are used in many applications, including automation, quality control, data collection & more. These systems help increase efficiency, decrease deviation from a set standard, and can even make data management effortless. There are many types of weighing systems, and Michelli Weighing & Measurement works closely with customers to develop the best system for their specific needs.

1.) Quality Control Weighing Systems

Quality control weighing systems are heavily used in the food & beverage industry and the manufacturing industry. Weighing systems can be incorporated into operations to perform a wide variety of tasks that help ensure product consistency & maintain safety guidelines.

The Mazzy team can help with quality control weighing system development, including everything from inspection systems to batching & mixing systems.

2.) Automated Rejection Systems

To better understand quality control weighing systems, imagine the operations of the food processing industry, where weighing equipment is often used in conjunction with conveyor systems.

Quality control weighing systems are often incorporated to ensure that all products meet a specific standard. For example, within a poultry plant, you might find an automated rejection weighing system.

In that type of system, chicken breasts travel down a conveyor belt toward an in-motion checkweigher which is programmed to activate a mechanical lever if a product is not within a certain weight range

3.) In-motion truck scale weighing systems

In-motion truck scale weighing systems help to eliminate long lines of trucks waiting to be weighed on busy days. When using these systems, truck drivers continue moving forward across the scale, while the weight is displayed remotely on a scoreboard and inside the scale house. Most in-motion truck scale weighing systems are set to a maximum target weight. If a truck is over or under the target weight, a red light or other type of alert notifies the driver so he/she can make the necessary adjustments.

In-motion truck scale systems serve two purposes: safety & value. If the only trucks exiting the plant are those that meet SA DOT requirements, safety risks are reduced & drivers are in compliance. Also, by ensuring that all outbound trucks are fully loaded to capacity, companies ensure they are shipping the maximum amount of product & not wasting their transportation dollars.

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